True Writers Share...Yes, Let Go...Why are You Squeezing My Arm?!?!

Posted by Brittany Lasorella Wednesday, January 19, 2011 8:02 AM

Writers have an unquenchable urge to explain, create, and re-tell; in ways that are fresh, new, and bold. And the truth is, they're also a bit stingy. Ideas aren't cheap. Sometimes the most essential aspect of writing...sharing; gets lost. No, I won't tell you what writing process I use... No, I've sworn to tell no one how I come up with story lines. Yeah, admit it. You've done it too, haven't you?
Well let my point you to a writer who has done a great job with sharing. Yes, even kindergarten students could be proud.
Meet Joel Stickely. Besides being a talented speaker and writer; he's also an amazing blogger who has a rare gift for spreading his genius around. Check out his blog, "How to Write Badly Well" or visit his website. You can also keep up with him on youtube and twitter.