I've been a compulsive doodler since I was four years old.
Getting into trouble for scribbling at the top of my math papers, or not paying attention because I was too busy trying to draw a giraffe. I'm sure many other people have faced similarly trying childhoods living with the condition. If I were to calculate the hours of my school years spent drawing, coloring, and painting, it would probably be equivalent to the time I spent sleeping. What has all these hours accumulated too? To be honest, I have no idea. But my doodling inclinations have not lessened, in fact, they've gotten worse.
I still doodle at the top of papers. I still draw faces whenever I have a marker in my hand, even at work. I end my sentences in smiley faces when I'm writing messages like a third-grader. And it is still absolutely impossible for me to resist sidewalk chalk.
Another symptom of being an obsessive compulsive doodler is the fact that we are very curious. We like it when others like us share their doodles. Which provoke MORE doodles. And so on and so on.
So this is a hopeless doodler sharing for the benefit of all the other obsessive compulsive doodlers out there.